
tattooYou are looking at my very first tattoo.

This tattoo means a lot to me because its for my bestfriend Samantha Trebbi.

I picked to tattoo a sunflower on my body for her.

She loves sunflowers and she thinks they are the most beautiful of any flower.

When I look at this tattoo, it makes me so happy. Although the reason I got it isn’t so happy. My bestfriend actually passed away when we were going into our Sophomore year of highschool. We spent a whole summer together laughing, fighting, going out, having fun. Then we started school and on October 10th 2010, she passed away. This wasn’t expected at all. Happened out of no where and was a shock to everyone. Espically me. I couldn’t believe it. Sam was the type of person that would really light up a room she was the most enegertic person I knew. She would always find a way to have a good time. There was never a dull moment with her. My most fond memory with her is part of the reason I decided to get this tattoo. I’ll never forget this day we were bored and decided to do this weird rainbow make up to our eyes and take pictures. We went down to the lake by her house and she picked up two little sunflower like flowers on the floor she put one in my hair and the other in hers. Anyway the pictures came out awesome, I’ll post one below. After we were done taking the pictures she took the flower and picked off each peddle and said ” He loves, he loves me not” and that is why in my tattoo I have a peddle dropping with her name. That was the best day I ever had with her. Now its been 2 years 11 months and 5 days since then, but everyday I still feel her close to me. Most people say you will regret your tattoo when you are older, but I don’t think I could ever regret this. When I look at this tattoo I almost feel like a part of her is with me wherever I go.


Now that I’ve told you the story about my tattoo I will tell you the story of my tattoo. Although I always wanted to get a tattoo for my bestfriend I never thought that I would get it so impulsively. Let me begin by telling you that I rarely get into trouble and for the most part listen to what my parents have to say, but when it came to taking this action to my own body I decided they didn’t have to know.

Early one summer day in June I woke up and told myself today was the day, I was talking about getting tattoos with one of my friends from Miami and we went to get some price ranges from different tattoo shops. One tattoo shop told me I would have to pay 200, although I had a job back in Miami I couldn’t afford to pay that much. Finally we found this tattoo place near Bird Road, which was extremely far away from my house, but I decided to check it out anyways. We walked in and the first sign of a good tattoo shop is a kind of hospital smell, which I hate but that told me the place was sanitary.

Anyways I told the guy my idea he said it was a really rad concept and told me it would only be 110! I was so excited because I had exactly that much money to spare.  So since this was a very impulsive decision I went the next day with my boyfriend of 4 years and got it. I walked into the shop knowing that I wanted to get the tattoo done somewhere near my heart so I thought my ribcage would be a perfect place to get it… I was very very wrong. When he started doing the tattoo it didn’t hurt so bad but then he went into the shading portion of the tattoo and it hurt like HELL I could not bare it I was screaming very very loud and squeezing my boyfriends hand for 20 minutes until finally I got use to the feeling. Although I am happy with the placement of the tattoo I would never ever recommend anyone to get a very detailed tattoo on that part of the body because it really does hurt very badly.

Before I got the tattoo I really did not think of how hard it would be to hide but I needed to hide it from my parents for 3 months before I started living in Gainesville, cause if they would have found out I probably wouldn’t be writing this right now cause they would not have let me come here.  Although it was really hard to hide I ended up getting away with it until I moved here. Getting this tattoo was worth all of the obstacles I had to go through, I believe it has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life.

9 thoughts on “Permanent

  1. Wow, so sad. I’m sorry that you lost your best friend, I know its hard when you lose someone close to you. She will always be with you, and watching over you. I love your tattoo! I believe tattoos should having meaning, and yours really does. Hang in there!

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