I know it is bad to say you hate something but honestly I can’t think of another word that is more appropriate then “hate” to describe my feelings towards math. I could sit here all day and stress the fact that I will most probably never have to use order of operations, or slope intercept form in my life time. I just really don’t understand the need to be taught things I won’t need ever. I should probably start to have a different mind set towards math though but my feelings will never change. I feel like every time I get the hang of something in math and reconsider my feelings , something harder and more complex comes a long to bring me back to where I started.
I know I’m not stupid and this subject always makes me think I just might be.Ha, I just called myself stupid. Just kidding, I am obviously not stupid but really math is just too much for me sometimes. I get really flustered when I can’t figure out how to complete some of my assignments. I wish I was one of those math people. You know, those people that loveeeee math.

I stopped doing my math homework just to come and vent on here about how much i really cant stand it anymore. I don’t see anything good in having to do something that you don’t enjoy. Blogging is  something I could do all day. Something that doesn’t make me so angry and if anything calms the nerves that were started from something I really have no interest in learning about.  I think this is actually able to teach me something useful. Math really does me no good ever.  Just puts me in a shitty mood and if you knew me you wouldn’t like me when I am in a shitty mood.

word count: 308

One thought on “I HATE MATH

  1. I agree 100%! I really do not like math and see no point in taking it past high school if we aren’t going to use it later on in life. That would just be a huge load off our backs if we didn’t have to do math.

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